Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
This year, February is an odd one for me as Pastor. Lent doesn't begin until March which is very late in the calendar year, there is no picking up as there are in some congregations following an annual meeting in January as ours is held in October and while I am fully engaged in the Call which I have received, I know my days with you are moving toward a conclusion.
I share with you some thoughts and observations.
It's good to be in worship with so many during these 'slow months.' A soon to be new member remarked that when visiting congregations he was struck by vacant pews in many and that it was wonderful to find a fuller Church in which people really sang! That's who we are first, a worshipping community.
There are always joys and sorrows, and God accompanies us at all times. This community has had its share and when we do, we need to keep accompanying others in Christ. Certainly that is the role of pastoral care, and it is also the role of the care of the baptized.
When there is need, this community seeks to meet the need. Ministry is more than tasks completed, it is entering fully into the lives of our neighbor. This is an ongoing Call and opportunity to grow as a servant.
For me, I have been experiencing a lot of 'lasts' as a Pastor. I endeavor to end strong as I sought to begin strong in this Call. I will always want good things for this community of faith and I am seeking to do what I can to help you out as you move forward. The lay leadership in this congregation is well equipped, gifted and Spirit led. As I pray for you all, I ask you to support and pray for them.
God will continue to do profoundly impactful ministry though you. That is the faithfulness of our Lord at work.
The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you as we journey through these latter days of Epiphany.
Pastor Frank Kauzlarich