Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
If you haven't worshiped lately in the sanctuary or in the parking lot, know that you are missed! One of the challenges of many congregations as we continue to move through these times is getting back to what we knew before the pandemic. Our rhythm of life changed, and for good reason. Now, I encourage you to reclaim the rhythm of worship in community.
Some of us have become accustomed to worshiping with the Church online, but this does not replace being in community. It is in community in Christ where life is shared in all its fullness. We bring who we are, our joys and sorrows and everything in between. Throughout the history of the Church, worship has been communal.
As we have re-entered the sanctuary, we have been open to the Spirit concerning how we do worship. Music leadership has been essential in these additions. One week in June we worshiped outdoors on a glorious morning, using our newly purchased sound system, The weather was wonderful, the music joyful, and the spirit of the gathered community was palpable. Some of us recently worshiped on a boat cruise hearing the Word, praying and singing songs of praise.
We will be worshiping outdoors on more occasions this summer. Our Worship and Music Team continues to make plans for communal worship where the Word is heard and the
Sacrament is shared.
Worship is our response to God's grace in Christ. It is giving thanks for God's saving activity in Christ. Worship is the gathered community, around Word and Sacrament.
If you have been away from worship in community, know you are invited back and you have been missed. If you have been worshipping all along, continue to gather with other followers of Christ, as we hear of the mighty acts which God has done and are sent to proclaim Jesus Christ!
Pastor Frank Kauzlarich